The Apache FOP Project

The Apache™ FOP Project

Apache™ FOP: PDF Images Plug-In


The fop-pdf-images plug-in extends FOP in order to add support for using PDF images in fo:external-graphic elements when generating PDF files. This means one can write something like:

<fo:external-graphic src="my-doc.pdf#page=1"/>


<fox:external-document src="my-doc.pdf"/>

Reduce file size

If you input many pdfs together the output pdf has duplicate fonts. Set this flag to merge fonts in fop.xconf:

<renderer mime="application/pdf">      

Object Streams compress the PDF to reduce file size. Needs to be enabled using fop.xconf:

<renderer mime="application/pdf">      

Improve performance

If you use many of the same pdf's and they have a large content stream, this flag can improve performance. The disadvantage will be it can cause higher memory use inside your printer. Set this flag in fop.xconf:

<renderer mime="application/pdf">      

Merge form fields

If you want to merge form fields data structure across multiple input pdfs set this flag in fop.xconf:

<renderer mime="application/pdf">      

Known issues with Postscript output

Binary Download

If using the binary package, the four jar files should be placed in the lib directory of your FOP installation.

Binary distributions include "-bin" in their names, and can be downloaded from a FOP-PDF-Images Distribution mirror.

Here are the links to each package’s signature and checksum files. Signatures can be verified by using our KEYS file.

fop-pdf-images-2.10-bin.tar.gz PGP SHA512 PGP SHA512
fop-pdf-images-2.10-src.tar.gz PGP SHA512 PGP SHA512

Source Download

Older Releases

Archive distributions can be downloaded from the archives binaries & source links.

The fop-pdf-images plug-in was donated by Jeremias Märki to the XMLGraphics project in 2012. Older releases can be obtained from his plug-in page.

History of Changes

Version 2.10

Version 2.9

Version 2.8

Version 2.7

Version 2.6

Version 2.5

Version 2.4

Version 2.3

Version 2.2