History of Changes 0.95
Introduction and explanation of symbols
Changes are sorted by "type" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:=add,
Version 0.95 (05 August 2008)
Changes to the End-User API
Fixed the -imagein command-line option. Committed by JM.
Changes to the Code Base
Fixed potential multi-threading problem concerning the use of DecimalFormat. Committed by JM. See issue XGC-13.
Changes to the Font Subsystem
Fixed text extraction problem with ZapfDingbats and Symbol font in PDF output. Committed by JM.
Fixed NullPointerException when loading a TrueType font using XML font metric files. Committed by JM.
Changes to the Image Support
Fixed two bugs concerning resolution handling with SVG images and their conversion to bitmaps for RTF output. Committed by JM.
Fixed a performance problem concerning image serialization. Committed by JM.
Changes to the Layout Engine
Fixed NullPointerException when page-number-citations are used inside a marker. Committed by AD. See issue FOP-1549.
Regression bugfix: Multiple collapsible breaks don't cause empty pages anymore. Committed by JM. See issue FOP-1492.
Various bugfixes for table layout. Committed by VH. See issue FOP-1509.
Changes to Renderers (Output Formats)
Added support for fo:leader for RTF output (no full support!). Fixes problems with empty leaders being used to force empty lines among other issues. Committed by JM. Thanks to Maximilian Aster. See issue FOP-1452.
Added support for page-number-citation for RTF output. Committed by JM. Thanks to Maximilian Aster. See issue FOP-1451.
Fixed a color selection problem which occurred after an image has been painted through the Graphics2DAdapter in PDF output. Committed by JM.
Fixed page ordering problem with AWTRenderer. Committed by JM. See issue FOP-1287.
Fixed image scaling for RTF output. Committed by JM. See issue FOP-1208.
Fixed handling of proportional-column-width() and percentages for table column in RTF output. Committed by JM. Thanks to Maximilian Aster. See issue FOP-1431.
Fixed resolution handling inside AWT preview dialog. Committed by JM.
Fixed positioning of absolutely positioned block-containers in multi-column documents. Committed by JM.
Fixed rendering of fixed block-containers in AFP output. Committed by JM.
Fixed regression causing bad positioning of block-containers if used as descendant of a table-cell. Committed by JM.
Contributors to this release
We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.
This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Andreas Delmelle (AD), Jeremias Märki (JM), Vincent Hennebert (VH).
This is a list of other contributors:
Maximilian Aster.