The Apache FOP Project

The Apache™ Batik Project

Batik developers

The Batik project had been mostly inactive since the release of version 1.7 in 2007. In 2013 the XMLGraphics PMC agreed to give committership rights to all PMC members to all projects. This was done so that fixes needed by the FOP project could be committed to Batik by FOP committers that belong to the PMC (similarly, Batik committers that belong to the PMC also have committership rights to FOP). Most of the commits to Batik since 2013 have been done by FOP committers.

This page contains information about the original (i.e. pre-2007) Batik developers and the last features they worked on.


This section lists all original developers with commit access to the Batik git repository.

The following people were active Batik developers until 2007:

The following people are some of the Batik project founders and helped define and implement the initial Batik architecture:

In addition, James Davidson and Stefano Mazzochi, two Apache veterans who helped the Batik team start the project at Apache, also have commit access to the Git repository.


The following people have contributed to Batik:

Areas of expertise

The following table summarizes the areas of expertise of each active committer. It allows better coordination of both internal and external development efforts.

Team Contact X
Bridge X
Browser X
Documentation X X X
GVT Core X
GVT Filters X
GVT Renderer X
GVT Text X
SVGGraphics2D X
SMIL Animation X
Micro Parsers X
Rasterizer X
Scripting X
Swing Components X
Test X X X